Book Ideas:
(I had a hard time finding good New Year books--Most were Chinese New Year stuff which I'll probably do later in the month. The idea of a new year can be a hard concept for preschoolers to understand. I've included a few book selections talking about the concept of "months in a year" to help your child's understanding of what it means to begin a new year.)
Goodbye Old Year, Hello New Year by Frank Modell
Marvin and Milton want to celebrate the coming of the new year but fall asleep before midnight.
P. Bear has sent invitations to all of his friends for a New Year's Party. On the big day a variety of animals arrive, starting with one whale and ending with a dozen penguins. The book is filled with black-and-white animals, and each page shows a clock as readers count the hours up to midnight.
Lena creates hats appropriate for each month of the year.
Two mice describe their love in terms of the special characteristics of each month of the year.
This seek-and-find book is full of things to look at as you journey around the changing year.
Songs and Rhymes:
Tune: “Happy Birthday”
Happy New Year to you.
May all your wishes come true.
Happy New Year my friend.
Happy New Year to you.
Tune: “The Farmer In The Dell”
The clock is ticking down.
Get ready for the sound.
Boom, Bang, it’s 12 o’clock
Fireworks all around!
(Hold up large clock. Move hands to 12 o’clock. Have child blow horn or use other noise makers.)
Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Toot, toot, toot your horn,
Toot it loud and clear.
Toot it high and toot it low
To welcome the new year!
(Add additional verses, such as, Bang, bang, bang your drum; Ring, ring, ring your bell; Clap, clap, clap your hands; Stomp, stomp, stomp your feet.)
Tune: “Frere Jacques”
Bells are ringing.
People singing.
New Year’s here.
New Year’s here
Happy, Happy New Year
Happy, Happy New Year
Let’s all cheer.
New Year’s here!
Activity Ideas:
Idea #1: New Year's Noise Maker
Read one of the new year stories and then make a paper plate noise maker. Talk to your child about how it is a tradition to make loud noises when the clock reaches 12 midnight on New Year's Eve and people shout out Happy New Year!
Idea #2: New Year's Horn
Read one of the New Year book titles and, again, talk about some of the noisy traditions that occur when the clock hits midnight. Then make your own New Year's Horn.
Cut one or two holes about one inch away from the bottom end of the tube. Put the wax paper square over the bottom end and keep it in place with the rubber band.
Then let your child decorate the tube. (You could have them decorate or paint it, before putting the horn together--either way). Then hum into the open end like a kazoo.
Idea #3: New Year Party Hat
Read one of the New Year books and then make a crazy party hat to wear on New Year's Eve.
Idea #4: Mini Month Book--A year at a glance
Read one of the book titles that talk about the months of the year and then make your own mini calendar book to help your child understand the sequence of events that happens in a year. This is a great way to help young children understand what it means to begin a new year since time is sort of hard for them to understand. Holidays and celebrations are a good reference point for understanding a continuum of time for kids.
February- valentine
March- leprechaun
April- Easter bunny
May-Rose and butterfly (can symbolize mother's day or spring)
June- Father's day1 or Father's day2
July- Flag
August- Beach
October- Jack-o-lantern
November- Turkey
Helping them with the order, let your child glue the pictures on the right month. (Glue stick works best so that the pages don't get all stuck together with wet glue). Say the months out loud as your child is gluing. When their book is complete ask them questions like: "Can you tell me what holiday comes after Halloween?" (let them reference their book to find what picture comes after the Halloween page). For my 2 year old I simply would ask her to show me in her book where her birthday month was, or which one was Christmas etc...
You have such fabulous ideas, Amy.
Thanks for posting them.
You really help me be a more crafty mom.
Thanks for sharing this great posts. I will be able to use them one of these days.
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